Friday, 31 July 2015

Do peel off masks actually work?

In skin care, the “peel off” breed of face masks. Promising to do everything from “reveal cleaner, revitalized, younger looking skin” to “gently peel away impurities,” the masks are increasingly popping up in major skin care brands. 

So, I tried this cucumber and aloe vera peel off mask by H&M. 

And the answer to whether is actually works? 
Kind of.
The peel-off technique is more of a marketing thing. It's more just the satisfaction that we get from peeling it off ourselves, we almost feel like we're peeling off the dead skin with it. It can have a little bit of a mild exfoliating effect, but I would say that the peeling isn’t really adding that much of a benefit. It is quite refreshing though and helps push away the fatigue. 
That's all for now!

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